Hi, I’m Brenda. I have 30 years experience in parenting and working with children and families as an educator. 

When I turned 40, I blew up my life. I lost my marriage, my house and my money. But I gained a more honest relationship with my children and found deeper fulfillment in life    I went from being a semi-helicopter mom to trusting my children's journeys and decisions - and my own,

I spent the next decade reeducating myself and learned to be uncomfortably honest with myself and others. I learned to handle conflict with grace.  I learned how to have boundaries and take care of myself and my body. I learned to ask for what I want and take responsibility for myself and my finances in ways I had never done before. 

I learned to love myself, no matter what.

Generational change is possible.  The work I’ve done on myself has changed my life, my children’s lives and has rippled out to my family. This hasn't always been easy, but the benefits come back to me a thousandfold each day, and I know that my future grandchildren are already benefitting from the healing in our lineage.

I created
Legacy of Love, a 6-step process that I guide women through, based on my own experience of completely transforming myself, my relationship with my body, my children, my family, and my lineage. This process has brought me home to myself in ways I couldn’t have imagined and has made it possible for me to ride the ups and downs of life, accept myself fully and enjoy my family, all while being true to myself.

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