When you become a mama, you are forever changed.
Your heart expands in ways you never imagined and
everything seems different. Because it is.
You are initiated into a deeper realm.
Invited to the highest version of yourself,
to be the mother your children need.
On a soul level, you chose your children, and they chose you.
You are the perfect mom for them.
Perhaps you feel a deep calling to carve a new path in mothering?
To shift family patterns? To parent differently?
Motherhood is your mirror and your teacher.
Your children invite you to evolve as they grow,
to see them & be present with them,
so they know they are loved.
This asks you to look deeply at yourself.
And it's worth it to live a full out, well lived life.
To be a present and loving mother,
even if that feels impossible now.
Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice.
Our children are our greatest teachers.
They are our muse when we feel we can't go on.
We courageously walk this path.
Even as your voice shakes, and the path seems uncertain,
We walk towards flourishing.
How do YOU want to flourish, mama?
Respect yourself and treat yourself as the sanctuary you are. Learn to honor your body and your energy.
Living life as a practice removes the societal trap of right/wrong, good/bad, success/failure. Instead, live through the lens of learning and growing from your experiences, becoming more of your true self.
Know your power and responsibility, build self trust and self love. Lead your family from a place of Knowing and Trusting in a complex world.
Be honest with your feelings. Express your anger, hurt, grief and joy as opposed to avoiding and overriding. Reparent yourself by being present and loving with your inner child. Feel generational patterns, hurts and unresolved feelings.
Live from and trust the intelligence of your body. Know that your body is the source of your wisdom, power, and also your pain. Deepen your capacity to feel, love, be compassionate, while being present with the complexities of motherhood, partnership and life.
Build loving layers of protection for yourself. Feel more presence and joy with yourself and in relationships.
Accept yourself, past choices and see your humanity clearly and lovingly. Build self compassion and self trust. Forgiving parents and past generations.
Awareness and responsiveness to yourself, your body, your capacity and your family.
Build self love, self trust, self intimacy and have closer more honest relationships.
Create space in your life to breathe, create, play, BE…as opposed to stress, busy-ness, rushing and overwhelm. Experience more rest, ease, flow and creation.
Listen to the whispers of desire, and learn how to communicate and follow them. What are your desires in this lifetime? What are your motherhood and family desires?
Experience great pleasure and happiness. Appreciate the moments in life that surprise and delight you. Learn how to create more joy and pleasure in your life.
As mothers, we hold great responsibility. Our children and family need our wisdom, joy and life force energy.
When a mother flourishes, her family lives a more fulfilled life.
Our children invite us to something greater in ourselves...to grow and be our true selves. This is how we heal, shift family patterns and create new paths and possibility for our children. What we don't heal, we pass on to them.
This takes courage and it's worth every step.
Part of a mother's initiation is to choose something greater for herself and her family. To lean into her mature feminine, to come out of survival and begin to flourish. She learns to honor and respect herself,
to take exquisite care of herself, her body, and her life force energy, to heal past hurts and learn to feel, so she can build her capacity to be present and loving with her children, regardless of their age.
As we lean into our role as mature Mother, we return to truth, and a deeper understanding that our aliveness is what nourishes and inspires our family.
By taking brave steps forward, we begin to flourish, and our family naturally flourishes too.
What Moms are saying...
I am a humble student on the motherhood path right alongside you. It's the most important practice of our lives, perhaps on the planet. I am honored to share the wisdom I have cultivated from three decades of parenting and working with children and families as an educator.
FLOURISH called to me at a time when I felt like a failure as a mom. She held me and spoke to my heart.
It cracked me open, leading me back to myself.
I have been on my knees with the truth of my motherhood path, using all of my experiences, especially the most challenging, to grow and learn true self-love. I am on the mat daily, to expand my nervous system while growing and attuning with my children, as my role of mother is always shifting.
Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice is a wild wonderful heart centered journey. It is perfect in its imperfection, as it is not possible to do life, or mothering right.
I have been collapsed on this path, and spent a lot of time in regret, shame and guilt. This dark part of my journey led me to have compassion for myself in spots I deemed myself unloveable. I have learned to hold the duality of love and grief in my body, and it has enriched me as a woman, and allowed me to be more present and honest with my children and family.
I am here to guide you in your personal remembering. I hold exquisite space and have approval for your process, and all of the parts you believe are unloveable.
In FLOURISH, I openly share how I navigate my motherhood journey with grace. The path of motherhood is forever, our role is constantly changing, and it is our responsibility and honor to guide and lead our family to wholeness, so they may not only survive, but flourish. And this 100% begins with you bravely embarking on your journey of remembering and reclaiming yourself as Source.
I love you,
Our children invite us to something greater in ourselves...
to grow, be our best selves, to FLOURISH.
It takes courage. And it's worth every step.
As we lean into our mature role as Mother, we return to truth, and a deeper understanding that
our ALIVENESS is what nourishes and inspires our family.
Read More About Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice
Motherhood is your mirror and your teacher. Build self love and compassion for yourself as you walk the most important role of your life, motherhood.