I am so much more aware of myself now. When I was with my partner, it was beautiful but I didn’t have awareness of myself. I didn’t work on any of thee things to progress with my own self.
I have begun to meditate, and now I can look in the mirror and say positive things to myself. I have a deeper awareness now - I have had a whole mindshift.
I have shifted inward to myself. I am so grateful. It's so important to me - I could have another 50 years to live and I want to live well.
I have always wanted to have more confidence. My man used to make me feel confident, but now I am doing the work to feel confident from within.
- Peggy, New Jersey
It feels good to open up to others and to myself instead of hiding.
I bought a journal and a fountain pen. The paper is handmade. The process of opening the journal gets me ready to write. I get lost writing my feelings in this book. I use my journal when my feedings get intense.
The way the pen feels on the paper…I have been using my vape pen less. When I write in the book, it’s all from my heart. It’s pure raw emotion. I am learning to not keep things bottled up.
~ Bobby, New Jersey
Brenda has held space for me to celebrate my breakthroughs and helped me overcome my blockages. She has encouraged me and helped me to see new possibilities with her pertinent questions.
I have undergone huge changes under her tutelage and can’t recommend her enough.
She has bags of wisdom and experience as a mother, wife, woman and lover and is a real inspiration.
~Christina, France
I've changed from being a woman who was led by masculine and production orientated values, to a woman who is deeply in tune with her feminine and intuition.
Brenda has lovingly and playfully helped me love myself, no matter where I was. She's helped me see the truth of myself.
I now love myself more than ever and I deeply trust myself. I've gone from being terrified of feeling vulnerable, to showing up vulnerably as a baseline. I'm so grateful I worked with Brenda. She has changed my life.
~Caoilifhionn, London
I went to very dark and sad places during my coaching package with Brenda. She met me there with kindness, empathy and love.
She didn’t try to talk me out of leaving that place but rather, encouraged me to feel, honor and be with those energies as long as I needed.
When I was ready, I crawled back into the light and I’m now working on those goals I set for myself in the beginning as in, really taking action.
~August, Seattle
Brenda cuts to the truth with her crystal clear sword.
And the whole thing is blanketed in an amazing amount of love, compassion, humor, patience and commitment to her unique process.
~Alee, Los Angeles
I learned to accept myself wherever the wave was; high days, low days, still days, storm days.
The permission Brenda helped me foster has helped guide me to my peace. I have a deeper sense of self-acceptance.
I can show up more fully for my daughter and for the world. It’s like yes, I'm a mom, and yes I have a life, and yes I still have needs and desires, and YES, I can have it!
~Emily, NYC